Place an embarrassed face emoticon here. (Can’t find any that are really good to use.) Sorry mvandinter. I was just teasing a little, but I wasn’t trying to vex you in anyway, and I’m sorry if I did. I know you have other projects you work on, plus your job away from the drawing table. I, (we) are appreciative of any pages you give us when you can. Thank you sir/mama? for this whimsical comic, we do appreciate it.
No sweat, jsfury! No apologies necessary! I’m not vexed at all, though I guess my previous reply does betray a hint of a smidgen of smoldering frustration about the pointlessness of existence and the inevitability of death. But that’s all in good fun 😉
Speaking of the TWC voting…I only just now realized that it’s labeled as “UNEARTH REDUUX on Smackjeeves”. And, indeed, if, after entering your vote, you click on “Return to the comic you just voted for” it bring the user to the Smackjeeves page for Unearth. Seeing how out of date Unearth on Smackjeeves is, you might want to change that to Also any vote icons you have in their mix, if indeed it’s possible to change those. Considering how many of their vote icons are out of date, it wouldn’t surprise me if they don’t offer the option there.
(I’m very much not a fan of TopWebComics, but I still vote for the comics I follow.)
Hi HumalaDuck – The TopWebComics voting is intentionally linked to Unearth on Smackjeeves (as is the “The Prologue Resurrected” Tab/Link at the top of this page). It’s actually a RELAUNCH of Unearth, beginning with the Updated/Revised Prologue. I’m posting 3-pages-per-week on Smackjeeves until it catches up with It’s my hope to find a new/larger audience. Fingers crossed.
clickable links would require setting up sign-ins for commenters, BUT you can just paste the link as text:
Won’t she like her new career as “She-who-must-be-obeyed”?
You think she’s in a “Priestess-Slash-Queen” situation? And this is the procession to her coronation? Hmmm…. intriguing.
I’m thinking that the transport-by-dino likely makes my previous commentary about tunnel conditions largely irrelephant…
Is that the best you can think of, Mvandinter, when he stuck is neck out like, well… *thoroughly evil grin*
I’ll take whatever recognition I can get!
I am very sad. I do not think I was so subtle with the pun that played on the comic itself. 🙁
Yakumo! Don’t be sad! Unearth is not a place to be sad! Unearth is a world of monsters and cannibals and cavemen: The Happiest Place Under The Earth!
John Carter isn’t to be born for at least another 10 years in Virginia, so it’s definitely ahead of its time.
Although it’s for the purpose of blame, Alice admits she believes herself to be captivated by Milo. *eyebrow*
Captive, captivated… It’s close.
Also: what happened to the little avatars?
The little avatars came courtesy of a wordpress plugin that hasn’t been updated in 6 years, and went all wonky when I wasn’t paying attention.
I wonder if I’ll ever manage to get Philo and Alice in the same room again.
It would be a treat for us if you would please. MORE PAGES! MORE PAGES DAMN IT! 😜
I agree with you, jsfury! Why can’t mvandinter work on Unearth full-time and get paid for it?!
Place an embarrassed face emoticon here. (Can’t find any that are really good to use.) Sorry mvandinter. I was just teasing a little, but I wasn’t trying to vex you in anyway, and I’m sorry if I did. I know you have other projects you work on, plus your job away from the drawing table. I, (we) are appreciative of any pages you give us when you can. Thank you sir/mama? for this whimsical comic, we do appreciate it.
No sweat, jsfury! No apologies necessary! I’m not vexed at all, though I guess my previous reply does betray a hint of a smidgen of smoldering frustration about the pointlessness of existence and the inevitability of death. But that’s all in good fun 😉
Hey! Truffula trees! Won’t the Lorax be pleased! Just no one tell the Onceler!
Truffula trees! Bygod, you’re right! I’ll get to work on some thneeds right away!
Wow, Alice isn’t even on the damn ship. She special prize this one, we take her to Queen.
You are correct, Sir! “Special Prize” indeed 😉
She must be one sound sleeper if she doesn’t notice she’s been taken until she’s on the back of a dino, being shaken about.
Klonked on the head? Chloroformed? Narrative contrivance?
The real question hasn’t been asked, how many of her assailants are still asleep? Or never waking up?
I’m sure it’s a tasty sum.
Suggested alt-text for the vote-incentive comic: The tea must go on!
Speaking of the TWC voting…I only just now realized that it’s labeled as “UNEARTH REDUUX on Smackjeeves”. And, indeed, if, after entering your vote, you click on “Return to the comic you just voted for” it bring the user to the Smackjeeves page for Unearth. Seeing how out of date Unearth on Smackjeeves is, you might want to change that to Also any vote icons you have in their mix, if indeed it’s possible to change those. Considering how many of their vote icons are out of date, it wouldn’t surprise me if they don’t offer the option there.
(I’m very much not a fan of TopWebComics, but I still vote for the comics I follow.)
Hi HumalaDuck – The TopWebComics voting is intentionally linked to Unearth on Smackjeeves (as is the “The Prologue Resurrected” Tab/Link at the top of this page). It’s actually a RELAUNCH of Unearth, beginning with the Updated/Revised Prologue. I’m posting 3-pages-per-week on Smackjeeves until it catches up with It’s my hope to find a new/larger audience. Fingers crossed.
Well, I’m new. I’m not very large though.
Well, I’m new. I’m not that large, however.
Well, thanks for being frank.
If you were hoping we’d award you a Facepalm Award for that, let me remind you that you’re the only one who can post the requisite image in a comment.
It’s the thought that counts.
Well, she’s riding in a palanquin, on the back of a pachyderm… does that make her an infanta?
(I tried to include a link in the post above, but it didn’t parse. If anyone doesn’t get the reference, just Google “Decemberists Infanta lyrics”.)
clickable links would require setting up sign-ins for commenters, BUT you can just paste the link as text:
Yes, Wyvern, it does mean Alice is a big baby.
She’s going to have to get over this “This isn’t real” thing.
She’s good. After all, she’s already being sarcastic about the whole deal.
Ohhhhhhhhh! Yeah, I only got a C in my sarcasm course. I sometimes miss it.