Ahh, the attitude of someone who feels inadequate to their task.
Assuming that questions of information directed at authority are somehow the same as “questioning their authority”.
And then I realised the mural he was having painted points heavily to #2. Pretending to #4 remains sound image management though… if he’s capable of that.
Heh. “Keenly” aware.
“acutely” would work. How’s that sound?
Ahh, the attitude of someone who feels inadequate to their task.
Assuming that questions of information directed at authority are somehow the same as “questioning their authority”.
Spot on, Thorin. Any hypothesis as to why Marchel Farroux is cagey on the subject?
1) He can’t quite figure out the logistics and has been telling everyone “Any Day Now” for so long he can’t bring himself to admit it.
2) Up Top he was just a flunky. Down Here, he’s the Big Boss. So, he doesn’t want to go.
3) He lost too much skilled manpower to the English Lizard-people.
4) He realizes that The Surface World is in grave danger from Queenie and her subjects and has nobly stepped up to Stop This Menace At All Cost.
– Yeah, I couldn’t read that last one without cracking up either.
All those are good. And one of them is the correct answer, and that would be Number (CENSORED)
Whatever his reasons were before, he now has an additional one: they lost the war. Why would he *want* to go back?
Too True! After all, what good is France without Napoleon?!
His son and grandson could have benefited from this kind of downward imperial expansion.
I imagine he pretends to #4 to cover up #1 and #2 together.
And then I realised the mural he was having painted points heavily to #2. Pretending to #4 remains sound image management though… if he’s capable of that.
That hit a nerve. Philo’s tried hard enough.
Good point, Frank. Maybe Philo will finally get his comeuppance from this mini-Bonaparte… Then again, shouldn’t that be Alice’s job?
That’s totes Alice’s job. Ain’t no one’s gonn’a git him but her.