14 Responses to Chapter 5 | Page 140

  1. H
    Harrow says:

    Heh. “Keenly” aware.

  2. T
    Thorin says:

    Ahh, the attitude of someone who feels inadequate to their task.
    Assuming that questions of information directed at authority are somehow the same as “questioning their authority”.

    • Mathew Van Dinter says:

      Spot on, Thorin. Any hypothesis as to why Marchel Farroux is cagey on the subject?

      • T
        Thorin says:

        1) He can’t quite figure out the logistics and has been telling everyone “Any Day Now” for so long he can’t bring himself to admit it.

        2) Up Top he was just a flunky. Down Here, he’s the Big Boss. So, he doesn’t want to go.

        3) He lost too much skilled manpower to the English Lizard-people.

        4) He realizes that The Surface World is in grave danger from Queenie and her subjects and has nobly stepped up to Stop This Menace At All Cost.

        – Yeah, I couldn’t read that last one without cracking up either.

  3. F
    Frank says:

    That hit a nerve. Philo’s tried hard enough.

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