18 Responses to Chapter 5 | Page 141

  1. B
    Brian says:

    Even the statue is proving the guide

  2. F
    Frank says:

    Wow. Charlie leaves an impression.

    What did she do now?

  3. t
    theReader says:

    I don’t get the point of this page. Where is the leading the narrative?

  4. W
    WhiteValyrian says:

    Is that Cro Magnon running the food stand serving Crepes? If they do I didnt know they serve crepes in that era.

    • T
      Thorin says:

      Actually, they are a native delicacy made from a small species of cave fish. They’re called crappie cakes…

    • mvandinter says:

      WhiteValyrian, I do see your point. Up until now the story has been historically and scientifically accurate. But now the caveman crepe-stand has violated the sense of realism. Food for thought.

      • tyersome says:

        I have to agree that that stand has taken a big bite out of your documentary’s believability and no amount of jawboning will change anyones opinion on this. After all the tooth is right there staring us in the face.

        • mvandinter says:

          Facepalm Award
          And the award goes to tyersome for making me laugh and moan at the same time! Congratulations!

          • tyersome says:


            All these delightful little comedic details you put in deserve everyones attention — I’m pleased to have given you some amusement in return.
            (You may soon realize that encouraging me is likely to have terrible returns — please muzzle me as soon you feel more irritated than entertained.)

            Finally, I’d like to thank [my unindicted co-conspirators have declined to have their bad names further besmirched] for helping to warp the timbers of my mind to create this barrel of laughs …

            (I apologize for the wooden delivery of my acceptance, but this is what happens when scraping the bottom of a barrel.)

            • T
              Thorin says:


              • mvandinter says:

                I see what you mean, Thorin.

                • T
                  Thorin says:

                  Yes, is this someone merely inspired by myself…
                  Or, the emergence of a rival?
                  This certainly bears… close watching (–_–)
                  Being the Facepalm Champion is not all picnics, balloons, and ribbon-cuttings, you know.

                  • tyersome says:

                    Independent genesis (unless you’re a close relative, and I think you would have commented on my handle if so). However, “rival” seems … laughably unlikely, but if that encourages you then like they say “a rising tide of puns lists all boats that fail to float” …

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