Also, I would suggest that if Philo hopes to survive long enough to become the cartoonist that he apparently aspires to be, he should take a brief pause from his drawing practice for either:
1) fight
2) flight.
Or perhaps he’s relying on Charlie to come save the day!
If you shoot first and anatomical-draw later, you have a higher chance of bringing back your drawings and thus to contribute to SCIENCE. And if you’re lucky, you’ll be the first and last (and only) one to have drawn a now extinct species, so you won’t just be any naturalist. You’ll be a FAMOUS naturalist.
The top text bubbles make sense, and the bottom text bubbles make sense, but I don’t see the connection between them. How does “I’d draw him if he’d just stand still!” lead to “Sobek was the Egyptian crocodile-headed god”?
He’s suggesting Sobek was or is based on the approaching creature. And Godfrey at the end suggest that if Philos doesn’t start moving his butt. He’s going to find out how true to life that description of Sobek was or is.
Not “speically”. “Specially” it is.
Frankly, I’m disappointed with Godfrey here. I would expect an english butler to be more careful with his speech balloons.
I hope nobody gets hurt; they don’t even have putrid particle theory yet, let alone germ theory. I was just reading how the princess who was SUPPOSED to become Queen and her baby who might have become King one day passed just a few years earlier due to quack medical incompetence during her pregnancy.
That and having no legitimate brothers from her reprobate father set her youngest uncle to become King of Hanover and other uncle to become king. The sons of George 3rd were SO averse to their duties that Victoria was only produced as an emergency provision during her father’s late middle age in response to that most unexpected death. Had the doctors not been so worthless, she likely would not have existed and history would have been radically different.
I see such details rarely accounted for in Steampunk.
Duly noted.
That the text bubbles are to be read left-to-right. I read it that way to start, I didn’t even see the bottom bubbles until I scrolled down.
Also, it’s spelled ‘duly noted’ 😉
Fixed thanks to wintermute!
The left-to-right thing came up when my daughter was reading the page out loud and went from top-to-bottom, following the vertical framing.
Also, I would suggest that if Philo hopes to survive long enough to become the cartoonist that he apparently aspires to be, he should take a brief pause from his drawing practice for either:
1) fight
2) flight.
Or perhaps he’s relying on Charlie to come save the day!
Philo is making anatomical drawings for the sake of SCIENCE! (Which is a thing Naturalists used to have to do before photography).
If you shoot first and anatomical-draw later, you have a higher chance of bringing back your drawings and thus to contribute to SCIENCE. And if you’re lucky, you’ll be the first and last (and only) one to have drawn a now extinct species, so you won’t just be any naturalist. You’ll be a FAMOUS naturalist.
naturalist protip: some creatures are best sketched through the lens of a spyglass.
Right. So Charlie it is then!
The top text bubbles make sense, and the bottom text bubbles make sense, but I don’t see the connection between them. How does “I’d draw him if he’d just stand still!” lead to “Sobek was the Egyptian crocodile-headed god”?
He’s suggesting Sobek was or is based on the approaching creature. And Godfrey at the end suggest that if Philos doesn’t start moving his butt. He’s going to find out how true to life that description of Sobek was or is.
Eat the future Earl of Farthing? Don’t be ridiculous, Godfrey, how could that possibly ever happen? Roddy is still safely up on the surface!
You make a valid point.
Not “speically”. “Specially” it is.
Frankly, I’m disappointed with Godfrey here. I would expect an english butler to be more careful with his speech balloons.
whoops, please add an E at the start of both words inside quotes in my previous comment. I’m obviously not an english butler either.
I hope nobody gets hurt; they don’t even have putrid particle theory yet, let alone germ theory. I was just reading how the princess who was SUPPOSED to become Queen and her baby who might have become King one day passed just a few years earlier due to quack medical incompetence during her pregnancy.
That and having no legitimate brothers from her reprobate father set her youngest uncle to become King of Hanover and other uncle to become king. The sons of George 3rd were SO averse to their duties that Victoria was only produced as an emergency provision during her father’s late middle age in response to that most unexpected death. Had the doctors not been so worthless, she likely would not have existed and history would have been radically different.
I see such details rarely accounted for in Steampunk.