Outtakes | 080

UNEARTH OUTTAKES will be going on an indefinite hiatus. “But why?” you ask. Well, they don’t get eyeballs. Less than 1% of the visitors to the site read these pages. If The Author decides to make more of them, He’ll let you know! (P.S. If you’re reading this, thanks for being a 1%-er!)

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19 Responses to Outtakes | 080

  1. Thorfinntk says:

    So, this is an occasion when I can allow myself to be proud of being in the 1%…

  2. M
    Mahout says:

    Guess I’m a one-percenter! I love these!

    • mvandinter says:

      Thanks for the positive feedback! Now I’m starting to feel guilty the hiatus.

      • t
        theReader says:

        Well good. The guilt and self doubt lends a very British flavour to your protagonists, so I’d say guilt is qhite welcome on these pages!

        You know you could intensify that guilt by adding a (preferably thin) “Unearth Outakes every Monday” message in between the comic and the arrow buttons, where we are forced to scroll to.

        (It’s a well known fact that people rarely scroll down to the bottom or explore menu items unless they are already familiar with the name of the item title.)

        And speaking of guilt, this post made me realize that I haven’t voted on top web comics for months now, because I’m reduced to reading you on my phone (reading tablet died) and I never scrolled down to the vote buttons, wich would have reminded me that you are one of the authors that depend on this publicity

        Oh! The exquisite guilt! I truly deserve being called a 1%-er!!

        Seriously, I recommend small font text links “Unearth Outakes every Monday” & “Vote, you bloody fool!” beween the comic and the navigation arrows.

        • mvandinter says:

          theReader, I appreciate the feedback, and will take all that into consideration. If I somehow manage to come up with the free time… I will put Outtakes on my “Long-Overdue To-Do List”, a list long enough to to stretch into my retirement and imminent death.

          • t
            theReader says:

            Ah yes, as my grandfather used to say “C’est dans les projets!”, Loosly “It’s an upcoming project”…. and one not to ne heard from again!

            Well, you can’t blame me for trying to squeez more comics out pf you, as it’s your own fault for being funny and imaginative!

            But for your own sake, put “vote damit!” In small print below the > button, that way we’re tricked into voting whenever we try to click it on the last page. We’re mooching off your genius, we scallywags deserve it!

  3. tyersome says:

    I’m also going to miss these — if I find the time and the spoons, I’ll adopt your weeping/head-slapping angel as my avatar.

    I’m surprised to hear so few others were reading, did this have a separate RSS feed (or whatever non-dinosaurs are using) and could that help explain the apparent lack of interest?

    • mvandinter says:

      tyresome, I don’t have exit surveys, so unless someone comments, I don’t know their reasons for NOT reading something.

      RSS traffic for Unearth & Geek Fortress have been miniscule forever. A while back I accidently broke the RSS feed, and no one ever commented on it for the months is was non-functional.

  4. F
    Frank says:

    Well, no doubt they could have a nice picnick here.

    And you’re welcome by the way. I’m sorry it hasn’t worked out. 🙁

  5. G
    Greg says:

    The link for out takes kept moving around. If it had it’s own TWC link I bet it would have gotten a lot more hits. It was part of my Monday morning ritual to read. But thanks for posting it, it was entertaining

    • mvandinter says:

      Hi Greg, I didn’t move the Outtakes banner from the top of the main page until well after the stats had been circling the drain for quite a while.

      I hadn’t thought about a separate TWC link since it’s just bonus content. Maybe I’ll give that a rethink.

      Thanks for reading!

  6. Greg says:

    How about putting the Un Earth Outtakes before Geek Fortress (which I follow regularly).

    • Mathew Van Dinter (author) says:

      I’m toying with the idea of posting NEW Outtakes as patron content for Patreon subscribers.

  7. J
    Jude says:

    It’s a pity you won’t be posting more outtakes as they’re SO good and hilarious! I just found your webcomic and the first thing I do is explore what’s offered. Carefully note who the characters are, and anything else listed. If these outtakes posts aren’t read by the other 99%, it’s their loss. Are readers that clueless?

    I read all the outtakes first (over 2 days to be able to stretch my enjoyment longer) before I’ve even started reading the main pages. If the rest of your comic is as good as the outtakes, it’ll be a good mine for me. Thank you for posting these. I love both your art and writing!!!

  8. T
    Thorin Schmidt says:

    Finally made it to the end! On the one hand I’m glad to finally catch up, and on the other, sad that I didn’t do it sooner

    You know what I’d find funny? A “Back Stage” sort of comic, where ALL of your characters hang out when they aren’t on a regular page… Rex interacting with Alice? Charlie and the twins? Princess and Queenie? Any of the Gawkers with Dult? Godfrey and The Mighty Intercom?

    You’ve already got Time-Lord technology in the Girls’ Bathroom, so it could happen.

    • mvandinter says:

      It’s not a bad idea, Thorin, but it does sound time-consuming, and I’m already up to my neck with with this one unfinished Graphic Novel.

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