16 Responses to Chapter 5

  1. All-Purpose Guru says:

    Always with the bare foots on this one.

  2. F
    Frank Harr says:

    I thought we were here to meet your mom?!

    Later! First: the SIGHTS!

    Aren’t there stairs inside?

    If you’re, like, a boring person.

  3. E
    Erik Van Thienen says:

    A reversed Rapunzel episode? With the “prince” putting the Maiden in the Tower?

    • mvandinter says:

      That’s a good idea. I was thinking Hunchback of Notre Dame, but that story has a very unhappy ending for Charlie (as Esmerelda). Then again, the hero-prince in the original Rapunzel gets his eyes gouged out. Hmmm…

      • F
        Frank Harr says:

        That’s how you know it’s a story for children.

      • R
        RyGuy says:

        I was deeply disappointed when Disney threw away a golden opportunity for a “Blind Samurai: Zatoichi” homage by KILLING him to bring him back, instead of blinding and separating them for several years. Him becoming not just a blind beggar but a Daredevil-like warrior searching for her, THAT is what I wanted to see!

  4. B
    Brother Parvus says:

    I caught a more Romiette and Julio flavo{u}r from it.

    • mvandinter says:

      So, are you expecting the story to end with the main characters dying… or just the cosplay versions of the characters on the chapter title page dying, perhaps on a subsequent chapter title page?

  5. d
    dskirkey says:

    I couldn’t help thinking Hop-Frog and Trippetta.

    • mvandinter says:

      Edgar Allen Poe reference! Cool! I’m sad to say I had to Google it, though.

      • R
        RyGuy says:

        You have GOT to see Vincent Price’s “Masque Of the Red Death”! He mixes several Poe stories brilliantly including that one. That actor was like a spiritual grandfather to Dinklage.

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