20 Responses to Prologue 4 | Page 65

  1. CapnPanda says:

    I’m gonna take a guess and say… this won’t be the only time he’ll pull this prank on someone.

  2. N
    NoneCallMeTim says:

    “If Roderick was my kid, I’d shove him into the bear pit at the zoo.”

    The only worry is that he would teach the bears to play pranks on the zookeepers, and form a bear-pyramid so that he could escape.

    Also: Why do I get the feeling the Geoffrey will do something stoic like step over the wire, or something?

  3. M
    Mirefrost00 says:

    Godfrey is an English butler. Their divine magic is second only to English Signals Officers. If he doesn’t produce a knife from his shoe and slice the cord, he’ll blindly step over it with nary a care. 😀

    • mvandinter says:

      So, Mirefrost00, you’re saying that English butlers are demigods, like Hercules? Or Shakespeare? How about Godzilla?

      • CapnPanda says:

        Oh please, of course they’re not like godzilla. Godzilla is too messy. English butlers are very tidy. Especially when it comes to the bodies.

  4. wright1 says:

    Even if Godfrey takes a spill, I trust him to take it with aplomb. But I’m betting that prior experience with oh-so-smackable Roderick has taught due caution.

  5. v
    von Corax says:

    I seem to be missing something. All I can see on this (or any other) page is a TWC vote banner (except page 1, which lacks even that) and there don’t appear to be any navigation links anywhere either.

    • mvandinter says:

      Sounds bad. But you’re able to comment? What’s your OS, device and browser? I’d like to try to reproduce the issue. Sorry for the trouble.

      • v
        von Corax says:

        No problem. I’m using Opera 10.10 on MacOS 10.4/PPC.

        Are you possibly doing some server-side browser sniffing? When I view source on the page I don’t even see a link to the comic image.

  6. G
    Guesticus says:

    What is Charlotte doing with that wheel?

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