Author Comment:
The advocacy group, the National Union of Tea Sippers, has demanded that I either show some tea on screen, or stop referring to the sacred beverage altogether. And I have acquiesced. It’s Earl Grey, by the way.
Author Comment:
The advocacy group, the National Union of Tea Sippers, has demanded that I either show some tea on screen, or stop referring to the sacred beverage altogether. And I have acquiesced. It’s Earl Grey, by the way.
A wise choice. When the N.U.T.S. start making demands, it’s best to just give in.
You just described my life 🙁
Even if the world was handed to them on a platter, they probably wouldn’t be there for it.
Metaphors, acronyms, anacronysms… This comic has it all!
Congratulations – I just noticed Unearth is up to #68 in TWC! – I recall it was in the high 200s when I first started reading a few months ago, so clearly it must be a result of my reading the comic. Correlation=Causation. You’re welcome!
You have my sincere gratitude, Ed8… And a big, fat, wet THANK YOU to everyone who has been supporting Unearth by voting!
Upon looking down the TWC Top-100 list, it appears to me that Unearth is currently the #1 G-Rated Weekly-Updating Webcomic IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. Feel free to use that as an advertising slogan 🙂
I was thinking of changing that G rating to a PG… But that would threaten the whole “world domination” scheme, wouldn’t it?
Your girls are going to have to show a lot more ankle if you’re going to move up to “PG”.
How much more ankle? I need a diagram.
Hmmm…I’m not very good at diagrams. How about just have someone get eaten by a dinosaur instead? Of course, that would require the strip to actually *have* a dinosaur. 😉
You have a droll sense of humor, Ed8. Cruel even 😉
Fah! Who needs stupid, boring, old dinosaurs? This strip has TEA!! (finally!)
Thanks. You guys wouldn’t mind if some of the characters drink coffee instead, would you?
Not at all. Quite reasonable, in fact. That’s just the sort of barbaric beverage one might expect some uncivilized Caveman or Neanderthal to consume. Of course, that would require this strip to actually *have* such a creature. 🙂
What goes best with tea? Buttered toast, obviously
I like scones myself. And not the frosted, fruited, overkill kind I find in fancy coffee houses.