10 Responses to Geek Fortress does Unearth Book 1

  1. F
    Frank says:

    Looks good.

  2. Thorin Mason Schmidt says:

    That’s what I would have meant.

    • mvandinter says:

      Thorin, are you saying you’d like to see a collection of art with Princess as other pop culture characters? And which ones would those be?

      • Thorin Mason Schmidt says:

        Power GirlAND Supergirl (I know they are kinda the same, but yet not)
        Raven, Robin (y’know, the girl one), Tinkerbell, She-Ra (The reboot one), Wonder Woman (because of course she’d jump at the chance to upstage Dee-Dee), Gwen Stacy, Black Widow, and Ripley from Aliens in her ‘mech suit.

        I may or may not have spent time thinking about this very thing.

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