12 Responses to Chapter 6 | Page 190

  1. E
    Edward says:

    Not to be THAT guy but “… your daughters are fine”

  2. F
    Frank says:

    Give ‘im hell, General!

    Time to go repelling!

  3. S
    Scorpinac says:

    Kid, he can still disinherit you and toss you out into the street, so don’t push your luck! Or do, please, they’ll be glad to be rid of you.

    • Grim Robot says:

      He could. But would he? His Lordship knows his son is an asshat, but he doesn’t know that Roddy sabotaged the driller.

  4. Thorin Mason Schmidt says:

    Personally, I wouldn’t sit in my wheelchair so near to that hole.

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