14 Responses to Chapter 6 | Page 181

  1. Thorin Mason Schmidt says:

    Perhaps Lord and Lady Farthington? Or perhaps Alice and Charlie’s parents?

    Either way, I’m interested to see who the wheelchair is for.

    I’m also looking forward to seeing my old friends: The Harsichord, the Harp, and hopefully, THE TOOLBOX.

  2. Myk Streja says:

    Alice and Charlie’s grandparents, perhaps?

  3. Thorin Mason Schmidt says:

    They are Godfrey’s older brother and sister-in-law!

  4. F
    Frank says:

    My goodness! We’re above ground. I’d forgotten it exists. I wonder if they’ll learn that there’s an entire failed French invasion force beneath their feet.

    I’m guessing this is Philo and Roddy’s mom and dad.

    • Grim Robot says:

      Frank is close… but no cigar.

      • F
        Frank says:


        The O-3 Captain’s?

        Charlie’s REAL parents?

        People complaining about Roddy?

        PHILO’S real parents?

        GODFREY’S real parents????

        • Grim Robot says:

          Psssst! (Whispering) If you go back and read the Prologue, you will find the answers.

          • F
            Frank says:

            What fun is that? I look down on those who aspire to mean acurracy. Sure, you might have the zing of outguessing the author, but you’ve taken yourself off the right. The author wants you to feel certain things at certain times. Why not give them a fighting chance at it?

            No, no. My goal is much more aetherial. Higher. Off-base, if you will. I’m looking to entertain. If I can make one person, it doesn’t matter who, smile a bit, then it would be the most positive thing I’ve done all day.

            So, yes, I could make a serious guess of Alice’s mom and Philo’s dad to find out what the HELL happened to the wedding, but, I ask again, what fun would that be? If I did that, the best I could be is right. If I work hard enough at it, I could get something SO much better. A laugh.

  5. F
    Frank says:

    Stately Farthing Manor. You’d think it would be a fourth of the size of an ordinary manor, but you’d be 4-times wrong.

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