14 Responses to Chapter 5 | Page 169

  1. S
    Scorpinac says:

    OK, yeah, that’s really sweet. Sadly not enough to shame the men for what they’re about to do them, though.

  2. M
    M says:

    They do make a very sweet and picturesque group, all worn out from their adventures! Where’s the artiste? He’s missing out on a sketchable moment!

  3. F
    Frank says:

    They’re just figuring this out? They’re slow.

    I bet you they don’t even have someone watching the butler. Any part of a nickle.

    • Mathew Van Dinter says:

      Is “Any part of a nickle” a colloquial phrase? Google doesn’t seem to know… and neither do I.

    • Scarsdale says:

      They were ordered to kill him and the grunt, I’m sure they don’t know they’re shooting their own foot if they were to succeed. From their backstory the men that had any brains died in the flood, the survivors were the ones that ran away rather than try to rescue the leaders.

  4. Maju says:

    The butler is the brains? Of course, we knew that already.

    And he’s also the culprit of whatever murder or pan-slapping that happened in Lower Paris. That’s what I learned as kid watching crime-solving series: the culprit is always the butler!


  5. M
    Martin L. says:

    Of course the Butler is the brain.
    It was always the Butler who did it.

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