18 Responses to Chapter 5 | Page 166

  1. E
    Edward says:

    The plot thickens- much like English food.

  2. M
    Martin L. says:

    Who needs Paris, france, when one can have Paris ,here?

    • mvandinter says:

      I’ve been to Paris, France a couple of times. So, a Paris I’ve never been sounds much more exciting!

    • Maju says:

      Everybody needs Paris, France, even if one has to convert to Catholicism for that. Remember le bon roi Henry of Navarre: “Paris is well worth a mass”.

      And what was Napoleon the Corsican doing in Paris anyhow? Using it to foster his career. The French thought they had conquered Corsica… but the Corsican conquered them and with them much of the rest of the world.

      • The Author says:

        Poor Corsica. It had a brief moment of historical fame, and then centuries of obscurity.

        • R
          RyGuy says:

          Given their traditional menacing laziness, they probably were happy to get back to normal, working three hours a day and eating cheese that has been deemed a biohazard forbidden on airlines.
          Their diners forbid smoking within 10 feet of their cheeses, or lit candles.

  3. F
    Frank says:

    O.K. The French Invasion Force that that’s hung out under the Channel for a generation is untrustworthy. howsoever did they come to this conclusion!

    I’m with Charlie. On the spear and magic helm—sword and shield. Not on the sea-serpent. I think we can compromise on this.

    She’s very demanding for someone trying out for a job as a model.

  4. Maju says:

    Why to face reality when you’re le petit emperor of your own underground realm, right?

    He may be plotting to use the clockwork driller to take over London though, all according to plan… even if with some delay.

    BTW, Brunhilda is believed to be inspired on the Visigothic Brunhilda of Austrasia, who was variedly married to Burgundian and Frankish monarchs (she’s also married to a Burgundian monarch in the Nibelung version). Germanic anyhow.

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