14 Responses to Chapter 5 | Page 165

  1. T
    Thorin Schmidt says:

    I really only need to know two things:

    1) Where does she find time to make akk thise different outfits? Or is there a Jungle Boutique out there?

    2) How did she manage to hold that dive long enough to be able to pose for a portrait?

    • mvandinter says:

      Hi Thorin,
      Thing 1) I have a teenage daughter who changes outfits 3 times a day and never wears the same thing twice… and I no idea how she comes up with all those outfits.
      Thing 2 (& Thing 1): Since The Author is The Artist, and No girls posed for the portraits when I drew the comic page, I don’t see the problem.

      • T
        Thorin Schmidt says:

        Ahhhhh. My Suspension of Disbelief is crumbling away!!!!

        At least the drawings are still nice to looki at, even if I now have to face a world where La Sylphide isn’t real…

  2. F
    Frank says:

    Ah. I see that there’s a bit of Alice in Charlie after all. I wonder if Alice misses it.

  3. Maju says:

    That’s a model all little girls would love to imitate.

    Madam Curie is ok but La Sylphide… that’s another level altogether.

    • mvandinter says:

      I think little girls already have a La Sylphide of sorts to imitate: Katniss Everdeen.

      • Maju says:

        But she’s fictitious. I mean in real life…

        Because you’re telling us real history, right? Riiiiiight?

      • T
        Thorin says:

        Sorry, Maju, this HAS to be fiction. Notice the way La Slyphide holds her weapons? That means she’s left-handed somehow. Everyone knows there aren’t any *actual* left-handed people. 🙂

        • mvandinter says:

          Can’t argue with SCIENCE!

        • Maju says:

          Her way of using the bow is right-handed IMO. You’re right therefore because Science[TM] demonstrates (somewhere, somehow, somewhy) that there is no actual[TM] both-handed people.

          • mvandinter says:

            Maju, while there may or may not be “actual[TM] both-handed people”, there are definitely artists who digitally mirror drawings of people hoping no one will notice the left-right switch.

  4. All-Purpose Guru says:

    In the previous page, Charlie has her shoes on. In this page she is barefoot.


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