There’s a series of interviews with a British soldier back from fighting in Ukraine. Want to know what he said about French soldiers? If so, Google: Lindybeige Ukraine.
That’s not to say that French at the Battle of Fishguard didn’t mistake a loade of Welsh women for backup, but they folks involved weren’t exactly the A, B or even C team.
Pretty sure that’s an incorrect spelling of bayonet. (Google says that the French version would be “baïonnette”.)
Also, there’s only one L at the end of barrelful.
Thanks Wyvern! (It should be fixed now.)
O.K. Those people need to go home. Or Wales. Just . . . elsewhere.
Poor Wales.
Bowler-hat Zombie might want to keep kis cigar farther away from that blunderbuss.
Are they really zombies though? It seems more like Ensorcelled.
They also have not noticed Godfrey has both pistols in hand.
About Godfrey’s pistols: They’ll notice them soon enough.
I had to look it up, Thorin:
enchant; fascinate.
Sorry, we say it al the time in my DnD group.
They’ve fought the French off before, they can do it again.
You mispronounced “cheese-eating surrender monkeys”. HTH. HAND.
There’s a series of interviews with a British soldier back from fighting in Ukraine. Want to know what he said about French soldiers? If so, Google: Lindybeige Ukraine.
That’s not to say that French at the Battle of Fishguard didn’t mistake a loade of Welsh women for backup, but they folks involved weren’t exactly the A, B or even C team.
They really ought to be worried about Charlie herself. If she gets her hands on Oog’s pan, they’re done for.
Now that’s a good idea. I wish I’d thought of it!