11 Responses to Chapter 5 | Page 143

  1. T
    Thorin says:


    It’s what I expected, and yet… not.

    Well done, sir!

    • mvandinter says:

      I’m glad you were pleasantly surprised! I had no idea how it would go over.

      Imagine anticipating you’d have to actually draw Caveman Can-Can Dancers for years and years before actually drawing them… the whole time being worried it was the stupidest idea you ever had.

  2. F
    Frank says:

    I . . . did not expect that. I should have. Well-played.

    Yes, I know I’m essentially cutting and pasting. It’s what you can say.

  3. t
    theReader says:

    I fully expected the cavewomen can-can. Didn’t relish it, but I did brace for it. You did not disappoint! That’s one of the reasons right there, that my ancestors fled France for the new world.

    I did not expect the Frenchmen patrons! How did they get civilian clothing? You need to kill 2 beavers for that top hat! It boggles the mind!

  4. W
    Wyvern says:

    The guy playing the concertina appears to have an unusually small head. And no neck.

  5. M
    Melissa Gryphon says:

    You know it’s been a while since these poor souls have seen a woman if they think that’s attractive.

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