21 Responses to Chapter 5 | Page 137

  1. V
    Varyon says:

    It’s been a while since I studied French, but I’m pretty certain that’s supposed to be “Mais non!” rather than “Main no!” Assuming he’s saying “But, no” rather than… something about a hand.

  2. E
    Edward says:

    When can I order my Unearth pewter chess set?

    • mvandinter says:

      Edward, do you happen to know anyone who would sculpt and cast the pewter chess pieces for free? Because if you do, I’m ready to make it happen!

      • Brother Parvus says:

        Steve Conley over at “Quimp” is about to ship some figures from his latest Kickstarter. Making masters for investment castings is almost boringly simple nowadays with rapid prototyping machines.

  3. N
    Nomi says:

    1. It’s closer, but not quite. He should be saying “Mais non!” with one final N as Varyon has recommended.
    2. It’s horde, not hoard — unless this English Queen somehow collects and stores demonic man-eating… whatever.

    • mvandinter says:

      Proof-Reader Award
      Thanks Nome! I know better. I don’t know why I’m not seeing it, though. Thank goodness for you guys! (It should be fixed now.)

  4. F
    Frank Harr says:

    I think the exposition’s going very nicely. Philo’s very good at this.

    You’re having a lot of fun with the graphics. I like it.

  5. T
    Tooniator says:

    Please consider this note as an additional grammar quibble.

  6. Maju says:

    The French has a point, I guess.

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