Another update! The Unearth Rebirth wasn’t just a myth after all!
And 4 hours early to boot! (Though, sadly, the incentive has not caught up with the update, so I will have to wait a while to see the third frame with Alice tossing Rodney off of the scaffolding)
I am absolutely convinced that Philo planned to fall in to that pit trap all along. It was a plan so brilliant even he was not aware of it. He’s just that good.
So: Long term mass exposure to teens produces a tendency to generate facepalmworthy remarks. Seems an entirely plausible hypotheses to me, inasmuch as even brief exposure to said teens induces me to frequently palm my own face.
(Number 6 makes note in Personal Journal – Confirmed: Thorin checks once-monthy-posting web site every few hours. Possibly mentally unstable. Abyss moths responsible?? Check back in a couple hours to confirm.)
Yes, a shortcoming of this otherwise fine website. I reported it long ago, but I forget when. And i resent your implication that Abyss Moths are affecting me. They are delightful when fricasseed, and also are quite lovely when deep fried and served under glass. I have been eating them for months with no ill effects. Moreover, the gremlins in my nose have promised to let me know the instant, the VERY instant, sir! That they notice any behavior changes.
Oh, well, in that case I feel quite reassured indeed. I’ve always found nose gremlins to be quite reliable sources of information. In fact, if anyone knows, they knows!
In the Bastille? Wouldn’t that be a bit historically inaccurate? I mean, if there’s one thing we value here at the Unearth Webcomic, it’s historical accuracy.
Happy Napoleon’s Birthday! (and any other birthdays which might apply) Even better, I see that in celebration thereof, you’ve begun posting again, so a birthday present for everyone. One can only imagine what you have planned for Napoleon’s Sestercentennial (250th) in 2 years.
I’m sure any unnamed random person who might share a birthday with Napoleon would thank you for the well-wishes 😉 As for the Sestercentennial, the invasion of Unearth by Napoleon’s army should be well underway by then. (fingers crossed)
Ouch. That sounds tragically like the sort of labor intensive process that takes time away from the creation of priceless new content.
I would certainly help if I could. 🙁
Darn unreliable new-fangled technology! This exactly why I keep all my work on good old reliable papyrus scrolls.
I shall not pretend to presume that the author’s preparations might perhaps not proceed per plan; preferably perfection will be produced; nevertheless I propose that we prepare ourselves for the potential possibility that the proximate page does not post perfectly.
Another update! The Unearth Rebirth wasn’t just a myth after all!
And 4 hours early to boot! (Though, sadly, the incentive has not caught up with the update, so I will have to wait a while to see the third frame with Alice tossing Rodney off of the scaffolding)
I am absolutely convinced that Philo planned to fall in to that pit trap all along. It was a plan so brilliant even he was not aware of it. He’s just that good.
Now, who dug the pit? The babe with the wand and the fur bikini?
We could only be so lucky. It was probably Plumber Boy.
Plumber Boy? Does that mean the pit is a stone age toilet?
…and how many spikes are at the bottom of it?
Probably the beast. Chasing dinner into a pitfall means you don’t need to do so much running.
Too True. Poor Philo.
What if it’s not a pit, but a trans-dimensional portal?
So: Long term mass exposure to teens produces a tendency to generate facepalmworthy remarks. Seems an entirely plausible hypotheses to me, inasmuch as even brief exposure to said teens induces me to frequently palm my own face.
(Number 6 makes note in Personal Journal – Confirmed: Thorin checks once-monthy-posting web site every few hours. Possibly mentally unstable. Abyss moths responsible?? Check back in a couple hours to confirm.)
D’oh! Meant to reply to Thorin. Apparently there’s a limit to comment nesting. 🙁
Yes, a shortcoming of this otherwise fine website. I reported it long ago, but I forget when. And i resent your implication that Abyss Moths are affecting me. They are delightful when fricasseed, and also are quite lovely when deep fried and served under glass. I have been eating them for months with no ill effects. Moreover, the gremlins in my nose have promised to let me know the instant, the VERY instant, sir! That they notice any behavior changes.
Oh, well, in that case I feel quite reassured indeed. I’ve always found nose gremlins to be quite reliable sources of information. In fact, if anyone knows, they knows!
WordPress sets the maximum nested replies for a single comment at 10. It’s out of my hands. Sorry.
Ooooohhhh! Now i have a lamp to put in my eventual fort! Woohoo!
In the Bastille? Wouldn’t that be a bit historically inaccurate? I mean, if there’s one thing we value here at the Unearth Webcomic, it’s historical accuracy.
Unless you successfully breach my fort’s defenses, you’ll never know for sure….
*begins constructing trebuchet out of faceplant awards*
I’ve never been brave enough to try for one of those. Just too painful. Plus they tend to make your nose flat…
You’re never going to become a famous “youtube star” with that attitude! No pain, no gain!
What the heck, Man!?!? You were supposed to tell me you were back! What, you just expect me to randomly come back after a year and … okay, so I did.
Thanks for checking in, Marc!
Happy Napoleon’s Birthday! (and any other birthdays which might apply) Even better, I see that in celebration thereof, you’ve begun posting again, so a birthday present for everyone. One can only imagine what you have planned for Napoleon’s Sestercentennial (250th) in 2 years.
I’m sure any unnamed random person who might share a birthday with Napoleon would thank you for the well-wishes 😉 As for the Sestercentennial, the invasion of Unearth by Napoleon’s army should be well underway by then. (fingers crossed)
Did I miss Napoleon’s birthday? Darnit, I didn’t even get him a card or anything. Now I’m going to have to avoid him for a few weeks at least.
You only need to avoid him for a couple weeks… until the first of next month when the latest page posts.
You have to avoid him for exactly Hundred Days … 😉
I’ll probably avoid him for more like 110 days, but I’ll call it “100 days” because it sounds catchier. 🙂
It’s back! 😀
Unearth rises from the Grave, yet again!
(cue creepy laughter and lightning strike in the background)
…although the Archive seems to be missing…most of the Archive
It’s still a work-in-progress. There was a server-side nightmare, and I basically have to rebuild the site from the rubble… with different blueprints.
Ouch. That sounds tragically like the sort of labor intensive process that takes time away from the creation of priceless new content.
I would certainly help if I could. 🙁
Darn unreliable new-fangled technology! This exactly why I keep all my work on good old reliable papyrus scrolls.
oooog….. the comments are all discombobulated… hopefully the next comic page will populate properly, punctually, and pragmatically.
I guess it all depends on if the author does this rebuild Purposefully, Poetically and Proactively.
I shall not pretend to presume that the author’s preparations might perhaps not proceed per plan; preferably perfection will be produced; nevertheless I propose that we prepare ourselves for the potential possibility that the proximate page does not post perfectly.
Precisely! 😉
So awesome! Only a few more days until we get a new page! I’m breathless with antci
The web comic you have posted to has currently gone back on hiatus.
No further information is available about this web comic.
This is an automated message. Replies to this system are not monitored.
Hubba-whaaa??? I’m be confuse-ed.
Ah, a terrible shame, seems the Captain is the last to know when his ship has run aground.
Or maybe it’s like finding out that the company you work for went out of business by reading it in the paper the next morning.
Do you know something I don’t? Cough it up, Man!
All I know is what the Automated Message System tells me. It seems like a highly trustworthy sort of bot to me.
…assuming you haven’t let Roddy anywhere near it.
But… I am Roddy.
Hmmm…in that case, If I were you, I wouldn’t trust…you. Or at the very least don’t turn your back on…yourself. 😉
And here I was thinking that Philo was the Author-avatar.
Although that would explain the sudden complete collapse of the site last week. Definitely seems like Roddy’s handiwork.
Alas, it seems that in avoiding becoming a giant lizard’s dinner, Philo has been devoured by a greedy pile of sticks! The travesty!
Aslandus! Good to see you back and commenting!
I’m reminded of the Magic Flute directed my Ingmar Bergman
I lean more in the direction of What’s Opera, Doc? directed by Chuck Jones.
That had a different monster. But I know where you’re coming from.