This video was made for Unearth’s Kickstarter campaign a couple of years ago:
This is the commentary version of the original video that was never posted.
Next week you’ll have the opportunity to see why the original was shelved!
This is the commentary version of the original video that was never posted.
Next week you’ll have the opportunity to see why the original was shelved!
This expedition just looks more and more doomed. =P
Of course it’s doomed. That’s when things get exciting 😉
GIR: “I’m gonna sing the Doom song Now!”
“Doom Doom DOom Doom DoOm Doom doom Doom Doom Doom Doom DOOM doom Doom Doom Doooom Doom Doom Doom Doom DoOOom Doom Doom Doom….”
Then someone moves a bush and look El Dorado… 😀
I can personally vouch for the fact that Unearth is no El Dorado. It’s more like El Timemoneypito.
Not what I was thinking of, of that doesn’t sound good.
Alice as Princess Leia in the hologram message:
“Don’t bother to help Obi-Wan. There is no hope, and it’s all your fault.”
Spot on, Yakumo 🙂
Hey! Roddy and Alice agree on something!
Riveting video.
So THAT’S what you sound like!
Sorry you had to hear that.
That’s O.K. If it weren’t, I’d make you listen to me. 😉