Let me guess: Alice turns around searching for the lucky girl just in time to get them both swept up for the start? Without a spare set of handkerchiefs, too. How dreadful! 🙂
wow, hard to tell, is it true compassion? Or he just doesn’t want incriminating bloodstains all over everything? Or is he just maximizing his future chances at matrimony?
Oh wow, I at first thought Roddy was saying Charlie was lucky to have gotten to watch his backside. Now, actually, I think he said she was lucky because now he didn’t have to leave her behind inside the machinery…
Let me guess: Alice turns around searching for the lucky girl just in time to get them both swept up for the start? Without a spare set of handkerchiefs, too. How dreadful! 🙂
wow, hard to tell, is it true compassion? Or he just doesn’t want incriminating bloodstains all over everything? Or is he just maximizing his future chances at matrimony?
Likely the last two.
Perhaps Roddy has hidden depths… depths full of fire and brimstone.
Engage Fists of Fury!
Spoiler Alert: Feet of fury, actually.
I thought Charlie might do a “whack a mole”!
You hit the nail on the head, at least if you trust my previous comment 😉
Hit the nail on the head. Ha. I saw what you did there!
Oh wow, I at first thought Roddy was saying Charlie was lucky to have gotten to watch his backside. Now, actually, I think he said she was lucky because now he didn’t have to leave her behind inside the machinery…
I’m tricky like that… I think.
Ah! look she brought him a sandwich, a knuckle sandwich.
Her fist is a bite size sandwich at best.
Climb quickly! No telling when the machine will start and this entire place will fill with espresso! They won’t be able to sleep for weeks!
I’m curious to know how exactly do you employ your own espresso maker?